Monday, July 25, 2011

Tips for new bloggers

     Blogging is becoming one of the largest media to connect people. Though it is one side communication, it is growing highly with new blogging platforms. It also acts as money making machine if we use it in right manner.

     I am a blogger since last 2 years with my group blog and currently running 3 blogs. If you are planning to start blogging, here are some points from me to smooth out your blogging journey.

1. Clear your Blogging ideas

     First of all, you should clear your blogging concepts. Decide your aim of blogging, either to enjoy blogging technology or to get money from it. Both things can be done simultaneously but you will have to spend more time to reach your aim. Making money through blogging is not as easy job as you think. You have to spend quality time to make your blog.

2. Choose your topic

     After deciding your aim, lets move forward. Having blog on specialized topic is always beneficial. for e.g. I have a blog on Balgandharva. Click here to see example of specialized blog. Specialized blog increases your traffic as you have more focus on a bunch of interested visitors. If you want to continue with general blog then it is quite difficult to get and maintain your audience. Currently you are on my personal blog. This is my general blog where I post on those topics which I want to share with all world.

     You can choose a topic from Fashion, Bollywood, Politics, Health, Hotels, Recipes, Travel, Technology, local event information, your college group (Click here for example)

3. Make a market survey

     After selection of blog topic. Now you want blogging platform. I suggest Blogger as it is easy to use and also easy to monetize (to make money). You can easily make money through your blogger blog. At second, I will suggest Wordpress as it gives you more flexibility in layouts. Wordpress is more search friendly than blogger. But you have to host your blog to monetize it.

4. First Post:

     Select your blog and sign up on it. If you get confused with their layout, don't worry, you will be fine after few log in's. Search for new words in blogging field which you cant understand. these words can be monetize, Dashboard, etc. Start writing you first blog and set up your blog on topic which you have already decided.

5. Don't give it down, Advertise it!:

     After few posts you will come to know that no one is looking towards your blog. Don't worry. Go on social networking sites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, and advertise your blog over there. Share your blog URL with your facebook friends,. Ask them to comment. At any cost, don't loose your patience.

6. Quality content:

     Another suggestion from me is that you should go for quality content. You will maintain your visitors only if you provide qualitative information to your visitors.

7. Wait Wait and Wait!!!

     If you have applied for Adsense to make money with your blog. Your blog may be denied for first few times. Let it give some time to grow up ad make its own place over internet.

So, Best of luck from me to your blog and don't forget to tell me something about it.

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