Saturday, July 23, 2011

1000 visits completed

On occasion of : Our YoursPJ Blog reached 1000 visits.

     Today, now I am proud to say that 'Our Blog' reached milestone of 1000 visits in 24 post!! The credit goes to you enthusiastic visitors who visit the blog regularly and mark your presence over stats page.

     Because of you all, this blog is getting noticeable day by day. Since our stat page is populating everyday, I hope this blog will forever help you to stay connected with latest happenings and my thoughts about them. It is practically not good that I require 25 posts to reach 1000 visits but this is just starting. 

     Though I try to keep myself updated as far as I possibly can, I sincerely apologize for missing out some news or updates. I hope that I can serve you in a better way in future. Your participation to make this blog even better will be appreciated. If you have any article or topic or information, let me share it with all world.

     Also, if you want any changes in appearance of this blog then your feedback will be taken in account. You can mail me at or simply comment in this post to submit feedback.

     This is just the start and the journey is long. Till the date, my experience says that Sharing my thoughts over internet is different than sharing it with my local friend circle.

Thanks for your interest in this blog. Waiting for your feedback.

Pratik Joshi, Sangli
Author, YoursPJ blog family

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