Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Electrical Engineering: Simplest ever

     Engineers have great contribution in todays high-fi skycrapper buildings upto latest technology trends in mobiles.
     Electrical engineering is one which I have selected for todays discussion because I am myself electrical engineer, completed diploma and now doing graduation in the same.
     In my sense, Electrical engineering is one of the simplest branch (provided you go through all of its sub-trends) in engineering.

1. There is nothing more than few laws and their application in various ways. e. g. Faradays Law of electromagnetic induction is used for motor as well as generator.
2. Most interesting part in this branch is Power system. Concepts and calculations in generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of power are very easy to understand as we can see transportation and utilization of electricity everywhere.
3. Illumination and estimation costing are again practical oriented topics. Illumination means lighting design of home, offices, public places and industries.
4. Another sensational topic is electrical machines which include all types of motors, generators, and transformers. This one field is interesting to learn and apply.
5. There are another parts of this branch naming "Switchgear and protection", "Automation" and "Network Analysis". While first two parts are proffessional and challenging, last one is mathematical.

     Thats all in electrical engineering. Though all above topics are being studied by electrical engineering students through different subject titles, all inside imformation is same. If one goes through above topics, he will be master of Electrical. 
     I hope this information is worth useful to you and has added some more knowledge about electrical engineering.

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