Saturday, October 8, 2011

Marathi people in world of business

     Few days ago, (1st Oct. 2011) me and my some of close friends were arguing on "Contribution of Marathi people in the world of business"

     If you look at current situation of Mumbai (capital of Maharashtra), you will see that most of top businesses are esablished by non-maharashtrian business personals. No of Marathi workers in the same are more but marathi people cant hold higher level positions. 
     There are so many factors for not obtaining higher levels. e.g. Bad command over english and other languages, down personality, blah blah...

     Our discussion concluded with following result;
     In case of maharashtrians, whenever someone catches higher position or establishes a big company, he never try to pull his collegue and support him. On the same issue, if you observe other state persons, they first settle down here and then help their collegue to set over here. A competition starts in between them which ultimately increases their quality.

     I think, every marathi person should note down this point and get ready for worldwide competition.

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